Now is a great time to enjoy the outdoors. Eureka Springs is one of the top destinations for outdoor fun in the Natural State. Living up to its reputation, Eureka Springs does outdoors with its own unique style. Here are some ideas for how to enjoy the outdoors when you visit Eureka Springs.
Visit the “prettiest street in town” with this quick guide to the most popular places on Spring Street. This tree lined street is home to historical residences and buildings. “The Boulevard” is arguably the most photographed residential area in Eureka.
Discover the sources that put Eureka Springs on the map. The Eureka Springs’ Natural Springs Trail takes you on a self guided tour of the most beautiful springs and surrounding pocket parks.
Follow the path to pet friendly Eureka. Eureka Springs welcomes travelers with four legged companions to town with unique offerings.
Get great vacation deals on overnight accommodations.
How many of the Top 25 Outdoor Sites in Eureka have you visited? Watch for upcoming Outdoor events in Eureka Springs.