SPRING is the Best time to Visit Eureka Springs
Here are 20 Reasons to Travel in April.
- Everything is OPEN – but summer crowds has not yet arrived
- The Weather is Fantastic – Warm in the day and cool at night
- Waterfalls are running
- Blooming Dogwoods Make you Happy
- Mid-Week room rates are still priced at Winter Rates
- The Basin Park Hotel has Pop-Up music on Friday and Saturday Nights
- All restaurants are open – Local Flavor, Grand Tavern, Mud Street, Sparkys and more
- The Great Passion Play celebrates Easter with two Full Performances
- Hiking in the rebuds with no bugs is best
- A SkyBar Gourmet Pizza and Craft Beer from Got-A-Hold completes the day
- Thrills can be found on the Lake Leatherwood Downhill
- Stretch your comfort zone and try Eureka Springs Yoga Weekend
- Do it Yourself Downtown has you creating your own art
- Beaver Lake Striper fishing has you in the picture Arkansas Fishing Report
- The Crescent Hotel Hot Pool is open Noon – 8 PM
- The tigers roar daily at Turpentine Creek
- Mysteries can be solved at EscapeRoom13
- Loblolly Pines Adventure Camp has added Glamping Cabins
- The New Moon Spa helps you Feel Relaxed, Look Beautiful, Be Happy
- TravelEuerkaSprings.com lists the Recommended Places to Stay