Post from 2018
April Events in Eureka Springs:
Easter Sunrise: 4/1 7am at the Great Passion Play. Easter Sunrise Service at Christ of the Ozarks memorial statue. In case of inclement weather, the sunrise service moves inside to the Buffet on the grounds of The Great Passion Play.
Easter Brunch & Egg Hunt: 4/1 Enjoy a Grand Easter Brunch served in the Crystal Ballroom with all the traditional fixings from 11AM-2PM. Egg Hunt at 1pm in the Fountain Garden.
Spring Diversity Weekend: 4/6-4/7 The LGBT community and friends celebrate in Eureka Springs. For more information and a schedule of events visit www.outineureka.com.
Drumming in the Park: 4/7 6pm-8pm. Spring is here & Angelo is back with “Drumming in the Park.” Come on down to Basin Spring Park and join in the fun!
Ozark Mountain Hoe Down Opening Night: 4/10 8pm~Performing contemporary and classic country, bluegrass, western swing, pop and heart warming gospel. Award winning, talented entertainers. www.theozarkmountainhoedown.com
Goddess Gala: 4/10 6pm-11pm. The Blessing of the Seeds–an all woman’s party featuring a raffle, drumming, blessings, potluck feast, silent auction, and dancing at the Basin Park Hotel Ballroom. http://GoddessGala.com. Advanced tickets $14 At the door $20. All proceeds go the the children at The Merlin Foundation.
Ozark Mountain UFO Conference: 4/13-4/15: Interested in learning more about UFO’s?? Visit http://www.ozarkufoconference.com
2nd Saturday Gallery Stroll: 4/14 6pm-9pm. Enjoy special artists’ showings and demonstrations presented by the Gallery Association. Light refreshments and wine served in participating shops & galleries. http://artofeurekasprings.com/
2nd Annual Spring Fling: 4/18-4/22 Let’s go for a ride! Motorcycle Rally in Eureka Springs.
14th Annual Carving in the Ozarks: 4/20-4/21 Eureka’s one and only chainsaw carving festival! The carving begins on Friday morning and will continue throughout the day. Watch these carvings materialize before your very eyes. Auction Saturday @ 5pm. www.carvingintheozarks.com
Springtime in the Ozarks: 4/19-4/21 Visit www.springtimeintheozarks.com
Music in the Park Series: 4/21 5pm-7pm. Basin Spring Park FREE live music. The featured artist for April is Luke Winslow-King. Luke is an example of craftsmanship at the highest level, radiating a warmth and timeless elegance. He’s adept at mixing country, blues, R&B, rock ‘n’ roll, and folk influences intuitively and masterfully.
Eureka Springs Farmers Market Opening Day Extravaganza! : 4/26 7am-1pm. The spring market extravaganza is here! Come out for an extra special event. Listen to some music by Los Roscoes, Get a cup of free local Mountain Bird coffee, pick up some fresh local produce, check out the new Eureka Springs Community Center and have fun with all of your friends.
Race for Excellence: 4/28 7am-11am Come support the Academy of Excellence in a 5k run on the new trails at the Great Passion Play grounds. Registration at 7 a.m. or pre-register by calling 479/253-5400. Run starts at 8 a.m.
Bad Moon Rising Mountain Bike Race: 4/28 The “Bad Moon Rising”, a 6-hour endurance mountain bike race under the light of the full moon, returns to Berryville, Arkansas! Hosted by the CC Riders, the Carroll County Branch of the Ozark Off Road Cyclists, the event consists of 6-hours of solo and team racing at the Trimble Ranch located at 489 Bunch Springs Rd, Berryville, AR 72616-4633. Register online: https://www.bikereg.com/the-bad-moon-rising
Spring Yards & Yards of Yard Sales: 4/27-4/28 Bargains galore all around town. Maps will be available @ various locations around town. For more info call 800-6EUREKA or visit www.eurekaspringschamber.com.
Dancing in the Park: 4/28: The fourth Saturday of the month brings dancing to Basin Spring Park. Free event! The Melonlight Dancers will entertain all ages, and if you’re willing, they’ll help you learn a step or two.
Weekly Music Schedule in Downtown: